Sunday, August 26, 2007

I'm here for the moment...

...we'll see if this posts. Still having a computer problem. Seems it gives out after just a few minutes of browsing and it takes forever to see what I want to see.
In spite of my computer, I had a good weekend. Saturday was a special day - spent a few hours with my granddaughter. I don't get much time with her lately since she started public kindergarten. Just the two of us made a trip to Goodberry's. She ordered a sprinkle cone filled with chocolate ice cream with sprinkles on top of that. Now the temperature was in the three digits and right away that ice cream began to melt. She had chocolate ice cream on her nose, sprinkles in her hair and on her elbows - her little hands covered with melted chocolate...but boy, was she enjoying it! After a good cleaning up with a cup of water and several napkins, we headed for Books-a-Million to look around. It's where I used to take her for Storytime a couple years ago. She remembers Miss Dorothy, the storyteller, and we asked about her. Seems she is only there on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Perhaps we'll go back one day after school to visit Miss Dorothy. After buying a recorder (flute) we headed to see Granny - my mother and Kathryn's great grandmother. She lives in Supportive Living at a senior citizens complex. Kathryn had not seen her granny for awhile since starting school and she flew into her arms with hugs and kisses much to the delight of my mother. We 'beautified' Mother and wheeled her downstairs to the lobby where we listened to Holly - an entertainer who sang the most wonderful old songs that my mother loves. We enjoyed her singing and sang along with her. Mother remembers the words to all the great old songs and she sings right out. One gentleman resident there calls her his "Songbird". Mother has sung in public since she was fifteen...seventy three years ago. My daddy first laid eyes on her as she was participating in a singing contest when she was fifteen. He was there with his buddy and told him, "That's the girl I'm going to marry". Well, I'm getting into another story here. Maybe something for later. Saturday was a special day for Kathryn and myself - I think she enjoyed it as much as I did. Hopefully, we'll have a standing date for Saturdays.

So now, I'll try to post this and see what happens...keeping my fingers crossed!


Aimz said...

hey Deborah, I'm glad you're still able to get online, did you get your computer sorted out in the end?

Deborah aka Miss Bee said...

Someone at my husband's office fixed things so that I can get online once in awhile and temporarily until things are sorted out completely. I must have been posting about you while you were visiting me...sorry I missed you! :)