Saturday, November 10, 2007

~The Vintage Word~

I have a passion for books - admittedly my 'library' consists mainly of cookbooks which I love to browse through on rainy days. You can step into my library to see all my books - a few I have not added yet. Go to my sidebar and look for the little old man carrying the stack of books. Click on "Step Into My Library". Once you get into my library, click on "Cover View" - top left. It's more fun to view them that way.

I do have a few very old books. My personal favorite was one of my school books from third grade. "Friends and Workers" held my favorite story - "Little Ugly Face". Any of you recognize the book or the story? There was also the story of "The Good Cat Jupie", "Brownie and the new Cook", The Elves and the Shoemaker". My most loved part of the book was the section entitled "Indian Stories". There you find "Little Hiawatha", "Little Ugly Face", "The Four Bears", "An Indian Water Jar" and "Big Snapping Turtle". The eleventh printing of this book was in 1951. I can still sit down and read some of these stories and enjoy them.

Other school readers:
"Friends for Every Day" - 1938
"Billy Goes To School" - 1949

Ah, "Gems from Longfellow"...I love poetry. This book has no date in it whatsoever. I did some research on it and it was written sometime between 1900 and 1909. It came in an old box and the book itself was wrapped in onionskin.

"Music and Romance" was my daddy's book. I think I learned to love music through him. This book was copyright in 1930 and covers everything from "Old Folk Melodies of the Old World" to "Ballet-Telling a Story in Music and Dance" to "Music of the American Indian, Tribal and Composed" to the symphony and opera and composers.

"The Adventures of Tom Sawyer", 1944.
"Old Mother West Wind", copyright 1910 - no print date, is a children's tale.

"The Wind In The Clearing & Other Poems" by Robert Cameron Rogers, 1894.
"A Woman's Heart", 1951.

An anthology of O. Henry stories, printed 1943.

"The Romance of Terence O'Rourke, Gentleman Adventurer" by Louis Joseph Vance copyright 1905, tells of the many adventures of an Irish gentleman.

Our Miss Callie being nosy on my most comfortable reading chair ... actually, I suppose in all truth, it is HER chair. "...could you just put the camera away and come sit with me?!"

"The Works of Charles Dickens - Dombey and Son". Again, this volume is not dated. Dickens wrote this 1846-1848.

"Gems from Longfellow"

Another of my daddy's books - "Ballads of a Cheechako", copyright 1909. His favorite book was "Call of the Wild" by Jack London.

"...finally, our last picture and now time to relax."

4 comments: said...

Hi Deborah, thanks so much for the lovely supportive comments you left on my blog. I love old books also and cats:)

Aimz said...

me too, I find the old ones are better than the ones out now :-)

Tom said...

Hello Deborah
Just called by to say thank you for your visit today and for taking the time to comment.
I notice your love of old books, and poetry.. Snap me to... I just have to pick up an old book when ever I come across one... so I can put right down but others I will have to buy.
I'm the same when I'm out walking.. I notice a log, I just have to roll it over to see what is under there... Stone as well get the same treatment.
Anyhow thanks again I will be around again soon.

Anonymous said...
