Saturday, January 5, 2008

~Backyard Visitors~


Mary said...

Beautiful photos Deborah - especially the one of the cardinal and blue jay together, you could sell it I'm sure as that's so unusual to capture a shot of them together!

Just read your e-mail and will reply to that later. Glad you are having some good days - hopefully all the days will eventually be great again - I'm sorry your pain continues.
Hugs - Mary.

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Hi Deborah!
Your backyard looks like mine! We have cardinals, pileated woodpeckers, squirrels, tuffted tit mouse, chickadees, gold finch, blue jays, chipmunks and more. They are so much fun to watch!

Amy said...

Lovely photos! That squirrel cracks me up, that sort of creature is definitely one we don't have here :-)

Patriot said...

Great pictures! Congrats! You've won my giveaway from last week! I just sent you an email with details. Please let me know if you did not receive it! Thank you again!

Sharon said...

Your photos are beautiful!! I love to watch nature. It is so relaxing and entertaining.

Francie...The Scented Cottage Studio said...

Deborah, your photos are beautiful !
I took some quick snaps a while ago and posted them on my blog too, a wood pecker, robin and doves. Darn, I do think I need a new camera LOL.


Janet said...

How do you get your birds to be so cooperative? Great pix. Thanks for entering my giveaway and for advertising it. I am really hoping to get more people to come by and read.

Dee said...

What incredible photos. I have such fond memories of bird watching - my grandmother loved it and my mom and I still do so when we get together.

These pictures remind me of growing up in Virginia...

Thanks for the memories!
Dee Dee

Prairie Gothic said...

I was so happy to see your blog, it's very pretty and also find out that some of the birds I've seen are Goldfinches! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

What wonderful pictures of the birds. The photos are so clear and lovely.

Julie said...

Your bird photos are absolutely breathtaking. We've had cardinals and bluejays both in our yard, but never at the same time. Unfortunately, our cardinals went away for good. The bluejays come around for a few weeks in summer, but they are too noisy for me.


Susie Q said...

Oh these bird photos are amazing!
Just so pretty. I wish our yard was this colorful but we do have birdies...: )


SweetAnnee said...

Love your birdies!!
Red Belly Woodpecker is one
of my fave daily visitors here

The cardinal and jay look patriotic.
Glad I found you..I'll be back!!!