I just can't go on, Mommy!
June 2005
One hot day in June, 2005, I went for lunch & shopping with daughter & her children. My granddaughter, Kathryn, was two and a half at the time.
You have to understand that her mommy and her grandma love to shop and I believe we overdid it a little that day. Kathryn had a quiet meltdown and refused to move from her cool spot on the floor of the mall! People just stopped and talked with her. One elderly man was so cute...he said he wished he could just lie down right there, also.
Kathryn is now five and a half and has become a seasoned shopping diva herself. She will go at the drop of a charge card!
I would never have this picture had I not had my camera in my purse! I can't wait until she sees this when she's older.
~~~~~~~Yesterday, I was telling Kathryn how much I missed her when I was away for over two weeks. I told her I set a picture of her on the bedroom dresser and it was the last thing I looked at before going to bed at night and the first thing I saw when I woke. She replied to me, "Grandma, you know that photographs are for memories".
Yes, my darling, they are!
She just melts my heart!~~~~~~~~~~
If any of you would like to be a part of Friday's Favorite Family Foto, please let me know! You can find my email at the top of my sidebar. Let me know before each Friday and I will add your link so that others can visit your post.

Thank you for visiting me and leaving a comment. I had fun putting my thoughts down about these wonderful women. What a cute story about Kathryn. I must admit that I would join her there on the floor too. I hate summer heat and not a fan of shopping unless it is for my home. I am the world's worst clothes shopper and it shows in how I dress unfortunately. :)
Hugs ~
Oh my goodness Kathryn! What an adorable photo of your granddaughter!! I just love it, it really says it all....at least she's gotten the hang of shopping now! Thank you so much for visiting me! xxoo, Dawn
This is adorable!!
What a fun memory! Grace did something akin to this in China. She was still not sure she *liked* us and ona shopping trip with teh other families, she sat down in the middle of a store and refused to budge. Bill was going to just sling her over her shoulder but a a young man stopped to talk to her. We weretold he was tellingher how lucky she was to go to America and have nice new parents...Grace remembers this well and says he also told her that if she did not get up we would leave her and she would starve! Oh my! That would never happen but I guess she did not know for sure so up she popped!
I would love to participate in your Friday fun! I have a photo of Bill I will post....
lol lol lol that is such a cute photo! I can relate to how she was feeling. btw glad the email was helpful :-)
So cute! I can see that happening someday to daughter and I and our almost here baby girl :-)
I may join you on this! I love pictures that tell a story!
You will do this every Friday?
Deborah, I love this picture and story.
I have been known to stretch out on a cool tile floor myself - but I promise I didn't do it in public. Lord, that would have been a sight.
Hello Deborah! I might join you to the FFFF!! Love that idea! Hugs! Vanessa
This is so cute! My Britnee was a Shopping Diva at a young age too and still is. Brett hates shopping. When he was younger, he would sometimes find an empty shelf to take a nap on or get up under the clothes rack for a quick catnap. One time in a Toys R Us he somehow got INTO a doll house that was on a bottom shelf. He peered out the front door of the little house. I have no idea how he got his body to do that?! Have a wonderful Fourth!
Oh that picture made my day! I remember feeling that way about shopping when I was her age. I'm not sure it's a good thing that I got over it ;-)
Happy 4th!
This is just too adorable for words. How great that you had your camera, otherwise this precious memory would be lost.
Deborah, I stopped by to find out about the family photos on Friday. I really love that idea. count me in. Smile
Your granddaughter is beautiful and that photo of her laying on the mall floor is a classic. I adore my grandchildren too.
Take care, Jeanne
i think i'd like to do this....couldn't find your email, though.
What a precious picture!! Can't blame the little one a bit. :)
Too fun!!
Happy Independence Day!
kari & kijsa
Love this pic Deborah and the idea of posting favorite family pics on Friday sounds fun - I'll starting hunting through my folder and perhaps join in the FFFF next week.
Hope you enjoyed the Holiday - shame the fireworks were postponed - but the rain was welcome in my garden!!
Hugs - Mary.
How adorable! I want to thank you for visiting my site and to say I would be delighted to post a family photo on Fridays! Sounds like fun to me! Have a blessed day! Carolyn
Hi Deborah! Thanks for asking me to join in on the Family Photo Fridays! I may do it!!! We also do Brenda Photo Chalenges over my way...those are fun also!! Different people are asked to host and think of a theme for the chalenge, every two weeks. We've done several already...lots of fun! You may want to also join! Happy day sweetie!!hughugs
That is soooo cute!!!! And very dramatic, so sounds like my 4-year old who hates "errands" with a passion haha!!! :) I will definitely post a family photo this next Friday, count me in!! xoxox!
That is soooo cute!!!! And very dramatic, so sounds like my 4-year old who hates "errands" with a passion haha!!! :) I will definitely post a family photo this next Friday, count me in!! xoxox!
What a precious photo!!! Your little granddaughter is adorable! So glad you snapped that pic instead of grabbing her by the arm to get her up! :0)
Angelic Accents
That is the cutest picture and I love the story that explains it. Your granddaughter is a girl who knows her own mind--good for her. :)
I just saw the picture of your little one and she is just TOO sweet and adorable! This is a girl who knows her mind. Way to go!
Awwww, what a precious photo! Kathryn is so cute and adorable and she will surely enjoy this when she grows up....Christine
I can't find your email address. Can you please add me to your list of participants? Thanks!
Once again! Love your photos and the stories that go with them.... She is adorable!
If I organize my photos and time... meanwhile, until then, I;m enjoying your Friday's Favorite Family Fotos :o)
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