Two cups heavy cream
2/3 cup sweetened condensed milk
One 21 oz can cherry pie filling
1 tsp rum extract
1/2 cup mini choc chips
1/2 cup fine chopped toasted nuts of choice
Chill milk and cream in the refrigerator at least 30 minutes.
Then whip both together with an electric mixture until soft peaks form.
Blend in the cherry pie filling, extract and chips and nuts.
Place in an 8 or 9 inch square pan and cover.
Freeze solid for an ice cream texture or partially frozen for a mousse-like texture.

I fell asleep early - in the chair - now I'm here so late reading and wishing I had a bowl of that delicious looking spumoni, yum!
Hope Pink Saturday will be good - please take care Deborah.
Spumoni, I haven't had that in so long, pink Spumoni must be delicious, thanks for the recipe. Your teacup is lovely too, Happy Pink Saturday. Karen
I love that teacup! It's gorgeous and very unique. Thanks for sharing it with us. ~Adrienne~
Happy Pink Saturday, Deborah.
Deborah, you are finding such yummy pink foods to share with us. Pink spumoni would be delicious.
I love egg designs. Imagine being lucky enough to have an original Faberge egg. I love looking at the pictures of them.
Happy Pink Saturday! I love your tea cup, I am beginning to collect them. And the spumoni looks delicious.
Oo-la-la! Pretty pink! And I haven't had spumoni in years. I might just have to try your recipe. It sounds scrumptious!
That cup and saucer has to be the most beautiful set I've ever seen!
The teacup and saucer is stunning. I don't think I've seen anything in that shape before. How pretty.
Oh and that recipe looks divine!!!!
Happy Pink Saturday!
take care,
Happy Pink Saturday!
Pink Spumoni and tea in such an elegant teacup sounds wonderful to me!
~ Gabriela ~
Happy Pink Saturday.
Oh that Spumoni looks so enticing! Thanks for the recipe! I loved the tribute to your mom--keep dancing. I think I (unknowingly) have tried to do that--especially as I age. I try to have fun and stay young at heart as best I can. It's a great way to live the days you are given. And speaking of having fun---you blogging buddies sure seemed to do just that recently. What a blast that must've been!
Delicious...thanks so much for sharing that recipe, Deborah! Love that pink cup & saucer you have at the top there too. :o) Happy Pink Saturday!
That is a gorgeous pink tea cup. I haven't had spumoni in years. It does sound delicious!
Thank-you for the receipe - I really want to try this. Beautiful Pinks !!!
Beautiful teacup set and that dessert looks fantastic! Have a great weekend!
Thanks for the recipe. It sounds delish! My favorite is the cup and saucer. Are there two finger holes in the cup? Happy Pink Sat.
PS> Did you buy that beautiful pink cowgirl hat?
Love the beautiful egg and cup! What beauties!
Hi Debrorah,
The recipe looks great!
I love the teacup too...a pattern I haven't seen before.
Have a wonderful day,
Lovely things...and thanks for the recipe! It looks wonderful.
yummy! that makes my mouth water for sweetness!! love the teacup too. have a great week.
Le Drool! What a gorgeous cup and saucer. And I LOVE spumoni, sounds wonderful!
Your cup and saucer are such a delight and love the other pink items with it to create a very romantic pic!
Lovely post!
Deborah, I think that is the prettiest teacup and saucer I have ever seen. Happy belated Pink Saturday. ~ Lynn
Deborah, the cup and saucer is gorgeous, the egg and pink fluff too. I never thought of making spumoni, but that looks yummy.
My company is gone once again. After the wedding shower yesterday, I have no other plans for entertaining. sigh.
I will be having a knee replacement one week from tomorrow. I haven't talked about it because I didn't want to focus on the surgery. Now I have to face it. Both knees have to be done, but I am doing one at a time. Keep me in your prayers please. Thanks Deborah.
Hugs, Jeanne
I love the cup and saucer...oh and spumoni...mmmmm
Love your cup and saucer and I was calculating what ingredients I needed to make your delish spumoni!
Mmmmmmmmmm...that Spumoni looks Yummy!! I also love your Tea Cup and Saucer!! Just gorgeous.
Thanks for visiting on PINK SATURDAY and leaving your comments.
Decorah, that was such a cute story about your grandchildren & the ice cream truck! I loved it, thanks for sharing.
The spumoni looks yummy! I love anything with cherries. And the china is beautiful. Hugs***Renea
Hello DEborah!
Happy belated Pink Saturday! I LOVE your pretty pink cup & saucer and I L O V E Spumoni to pieces! Thanks for the recipes!!!!!
Your Granddaughter is so beautiful and what a sweet picture that was captured of her! Perfect fit with the song!
Deborah, I'm back to tell you today is my 100th post. Come over for the give-a-way sign up.
Love, Jeanne.
I LOVE that teacupand saucer!!! Beautiful. Pinkness to you. Kathy
That *pink* teacup and saucer is absolutely gorgeous! I have been searching for the blogger that posted the *pink* lemonade pie last Saturday, and was about to give up hope of finding it, and now I found it again, and I'm so happy! I want to make this delicious looking pie!
I have never had Spumoni in my life! I will have to give this a try. It looks yummy!
Hi Deborah I just absolutely adore that pink tea cup!
I also wanted to let you know I'm having another drawing giveway. I'm sorry you missed the last one but you're more than welcome to enter this time. Come on over for details if you're interested.
I made your Spumoni today! It was really good as a Mousse and Oh, so EZ...tomorrow, we'll have it as Ice Cream. Tom thought it was absolutely DELICIOUS, too!
Yummmmmmmmmmm and sooo pretty! Yep I believe they are the same china. cherry
Deborah, I am just stopping by to say I miss you. Hope you are having fun.
Hugs, Jeanne
Oh, such pretty cup and saucer.... I could sit here looking at it for hours.... Thanks for running away with me for a while to see the galaxies.... :) and for all your warm wishes and concerns.
Deborah, thank you for your sweet comment. I laughed alot doing that post.
I am posting a favorite foto tomorrow.
I am so glad to hear from you. I am entering your name in my 100th post give-away. The drawing will be midnight Friday, with the winner announced Sat. morning. Good luck, my friend.
Love and hugs, Jeanne
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